Thursday, August 22, 2013

A new season is about to begin

How can it be that the summer is almost over? Lamenting this is not such a worthwhile pastime, so I would rather focus on the fact that our guild will start meeting again next week! Monday, August 26, at our new time of 7:00 P.M., Loose Threads Quilt Guild will begin a new season.  And what a busy one it looks like it will be.
Here is what we will be doing at the next couple of meetings:

Aug 26                        Opening meeting

- Challenge will be introduced (Gloria)

Sept. 16                       Program

- Mystery project (Carolyn)

Sept 30                        Program

- Kippot

Gloria will give a brief workshop on Kippot, part of our Community project
As of today we have our very own Facebook page....I hope people will share info and ideas on it for all quilters to enjoy.
We have a few spots for new members - anyone who has a knowledge of quilting is welcome to join. Leave a message here or on Facebook and we will be glad to get in touch with you.