Sunday, July 1, 2012

Welcome Blog Mistress Marijke

Just a quick note to say thanks to Marijke for taking on the job of blog mistress :-) She is already doing a great job!! I will continue to write on my own sometimes, as I have done for the past few years, but Marijke is the official LT blogger now. This weekend was the Vermont Quilt Festival. I was lucky enough to be able to go with Roz and Ruth on Friday. What a wonderful display of artistry. And for us Montrealers, what a fantastic chance to shop at vendors who we don't have easy accesss to. It was a great day spent with two friends. I hope everyone is enjoying the gorgeous summer we are having. Stay safe and happy sewing.

Who's Who at Loose Threads ?

Yes, the Loose Threads season is over but planning for our 10th year is going strong. It takes a good bit of work to run a group, even a small, community group like Loose Threads. There's planning of logistics (where, how, when), managing registration, relationships with other community groups, and so on. Volunteers do so much but because it's behind the scenes, it's not obvious. 

If you want to help out to keep LT going, don't be shy! You don't have to volunteer for a big job, start small if you don't know what you can commit to. 
So, who's who for the upcoming year? Here is the proposed slate for 2012/13:


Roz Agulnik, Sharon Gates

Immediate Past President

Barbara Amihod

Corresponding Secretary

Randi Lenet


Ruth Rosenblum


Joyce Ireman
Gloria Stermer


Membership Chair

Roz Agulnik, Ruth Rosenblum

Programming Chair

Gloria Stermer, Carolyn Nassi

Hospitality Chair Special Dinners 

Joyce Ireman


Community Works Committee
Ronit Jacobson, Gloria Stermer 


Sharon Gates 

International Quilting Day

Roz Agulnik, Randi Lenet, Ruth Rosenblum

Name Tags

Roz Agulnik

Marijke Vroomen Durning

If you are interested in joining Loose Threads - you don't need to be a quilter (yet!), but having basic sewing skills is helpful. You can contact Sharon Gates at or call her at 514-485-0718 for more information.