...that doesn't mean Loose Threads members won't be crafting and coming up with ideas for our next - our 10th year as a guild.
Our final pot luck meal/meeting is always a bit bittersweet. It's a fun evening because we get to relax among like-minded friends and enjoy dishes made by others, clamouring for recipes and wondering what secret ingredients have made a certain food taste so good. But it's also a bit sad because another year has passed - and don't they seem to pass more quickly every year?
Some members have had wonderful news to share with the guild, others have had sadder, life-changing issues touch their lives. That being said, we all have something in common and that is what brings us all together the first and third Monday from September to June.
http://cqq.ca/salon_en/ |
At this year's closing dinner, our show-and-tell was in a large part a sharing of what some of us learned and did during the Quebec Quilt Salon, that was held here in Montreal in May.
From all accounts from LT members, as well as quilters at the event, the show was a huge hit. The teachers were fantastic and the exhibition stunning. Some of those quilts were beyond description as quilters and non-quilters admired them.
Over the next few weeks, I'll be posting information about the guild's upcoming year and projects. If people send me photos of their work, I can post them too.
Why not share our work and let others see what we have accomplished? It's not bragging by any means - it's sharing in the joy of what we have learned and accomplished. Maybe some others who were thinking that they "can't" do this may see what we have been able to do and decide to give it a try.
I've volunteered to take over this blog, so if you ever would like to have something recognized or written about here, please feel free to email me. Also, leave comments! The best way to get a blog going is by having conversations that result from the posts. Share our blog with people in other guilds - it's always fun to have exchanges from people who share our passion but who live in other parts of the country or world. Quilters are everywhere!
So, that's it for today's post. I hope you all have a great St. Jean Baptiste weekeend and happy stitching!
(mareyeka at gmail dot com)